Family Dentistry at Markham & Lawrence: Dentistry for All Ages
The staff of Family Dentistry at Markham & Lawrence enjoy meeting the families that come into our practice. We think it’s important to teach proper dental hygiene from a young age. You can follow the tips below to learn more about toothbrush cleanliness and how to stop the spread of germs and illnesses. When you are ready for an appointment for the whole family, contact our offices.
Brush up on Bacteria
You may be willing to give anything for a family member or loved one, but most of us draw the line at sharing a toothbrush. The trouble is that it takes more than restricting each toothbrush to one owner to prevent infection. The bathroom is often the most contaminated room in the house. Toothbrushes can get loaded with oral micro-organisms just because they share a common storage space. Airborne bacteria can spread a cold to everyone in the house.
The best defense is to use a toothbrush cover. It will reduce the chance of spreading infection. After you brush, rinse the bristles and shake out any extra moisture, store the brush upright before placing the cover over the head. Keep your brushes away from the sink and toilet to prevent airborne contamination. If you catch a cold, throw your brush out and get a new one. Protect yourself by protecting your toothbrush.
Toothbrush Care
• DO use a toothbrush cover if your family uses a community holder
• DO shake any extra moisture from your toothbrush and store it upright
• DO throw away your brush and replace it following a cold or virus
• DO choose a brush accepted by your dental association
• DON’T store toothbrushes on the bathroom counter close to the sink or toilet
• DON’T lay your toothbrush flat in the cabinet
• DON’T use a brush with worn or frayed bristles